Your bilingual back office in Japan

Administration information for Japan - HTM Tokyo

Business Establishment in Japan

The HTM Knowledge Base contains regulations and procedures on setting up a Kabushiki Kaisha, Godo Kaisha, Branch Office, and Representative Office.

Basic Forms of Company

Table of basic forms of company, including specific US, UK, and Japan business entities.

Comparision of Business Entities in Japan

Table comparing business entities in Japan: the Kabushiki Kaisha (K.K.), Godo Kaisha (G.K.), Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), Branch Office, and Representative Office (a type of non-trading liaison office).

Kabushiki Kaisha

How to set up a K.K. subsidiary of a foreign company in Japan, including accounting, tax, and application regulations and requirements.

Godo Kaisha

Overview of the G.K. company, a kind of corporate partnership, including accounting, tax, and application regulations and requirements.

Godo Kaisha vs. Kabushiki Kaisha

Advantages and disadvantages of a G.K. versus a K.K. company, including setup, management, and accounting and reporting requirements.

Branch Office

How to set up a Branch Office of a foreign company in Japan, including legal, application, and registration requirements, and accounting and tax regulations.

Branch Closure

Procedures and filing requirements to close a Branch Office, including accounting and tax considerations.

Representatitve Office

Overview of setting up a Representative Office (a type of non-trading liaison office) of a foreign company in Tokyo, including accounting considerations, tax issues, and employee registration requirements.

Representative Office Bank Accounts

Japanese bank accounts that can be used by a Representative Office in Tokyo to handle bank transactions in Japan and the procedures for setting them up.


More Administration Services



These articles on business establishment in Japan are available to HTM's outsourcing clients.

Kabushiki Kaisha (K.K)

Kabushiki Kaisha (K.K.) company setup procedures for outsourcing clients contained in the HTM Knowledge Base include sample bilingual documents.

Kabushiki Kaisha

How to set up a K.K. subsidiary of a foreign company in Japan, including accounting, tax, and application regulations and requirements.

Company Establishment Process

Steps and information required for setting up a K.K. in Japan.

Documents Required for Establishing a Company

Documents required to set up a K.K., such as articles of incorporation and minutes of the first general meeting of shareholders. Bilingual sample documents are available.

Corporate Seal

Corporate seal requirement, procedures for registration, and use of a corporate seal.

Company Startup Banking Controls

Itemization of the banking controls required for setting up a K.K. in Japan.

Shareholders’ Meetings

Regulations regarding the first general, annual general, and extraordinary shareholders' meetings, including filing requirements.


Number of directors and representative directors required, including members of the board of directors. Covers duties and liability for breach of duty.

Representative Directors

Scope of authority of representative directors, including liability for breach of duty.

Company Closure

Procedures and filing requirements to close a K.K., including accounting and tax considerations.


Administration Services



These articles on Kabushiki Kaisha are available to HTM's outsourcing clients.

Other Legal Issues in Japan

Other legal issues covered in the HTM Knowledge Base include company service agreements, employee visa applications, and Japan regulations on data protection.

Japan Service Agreements

The requirement and purpose of a service agreement between a Home Office and its Japanese operation, including a sample service agreement.

Japanese Visa Application

Working visa application process for Japan, including the documents required and sample forms.

Procedures for Working and Residing in Japan

Procedures required for a foreigner working in Japan, including obtaining a working visa, alien registration, re-entry permits, and national social insurance registration.

Dispatch Workers and Contractors in Japan

Regulations for companies sending out or employing dispatch workers and contractors in Japan.

Data Protection in Japan

The Personal Information Act of Japan, including regulations and obligations of foreign companies operating businesses in Japan. This document includes HTM’s data protection policy.

Foreign Lawyers in Japan

Regulations for foreign lawyers wishing to set up a law practice in Japan.

Representative Individual

Registration procedures for a representative individual in Japan for a foreign company having no business entity (e.g., Kabushi Kaisha or Godo Kaisha subsidiary company, or Branch Office, or Representative office) set up in Japan.


Administration Services



These articles on other legal issues in Japan are available to HTM's outsourcing clients.

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